
[구슬쌤] 미국에서 회사 다닐때 많이 들은 표현 5개 본문

Writing/Biz Writing

[구슬쌤] 미국에서 회사 다닐때 많이 들은 표현 5개

Alan Learns to Business English 2022. 8. 18. 20:39


1) input (조언의 제공)

2) expedite 더 신속히 처리하다

3) swamped 정신 없이 바쁜

4) pat on the back 쓰담 쓰담 해줘

5) down the road 근처에

1. input (일을 성공 시키기 위한) 조언의 제공

Thank you for your input.


2. expedite : 더 신속히 처리하다 [엑쓰뻐다잇]

to speed up the progress of to accomplish promptly

expedite the process 

So we're doing our job, trying to expedite the process. Now it's time for Congress to do their job.

Could you please expedite the process?

조심스럽게 부탁/요청

I was wondering if you could expedite the process.

조심스레 무리한 부탁

Is there any way you could expedite the process?

We understand this is time-sensitive, so we'll do our best to expedite the process.

Figured this would help expedite the whole process, right?

명사: 숫자, 수치

- Six figures (미화 여섯자리 숫자) 억대

동사 : (이것 저것 따져보며) 곰곰히 생각하다

- Figured you were busy (네가 바쁠거라 생각했어)


3. swamped (일의 늪에 빠진 것처럼) 정신 없이 바쁜

I'm swamped : 나 정말 바빠

I'm swamped. Can we discuss this over dinner, son?

지금 정말 바쁜데 저녁 먹으면서 얘기해도 될까?

상대가 내게 근황을 물어보면

I've been swamped: 정말 정신 없이 바빴어

I've been swamped with work : 일하느라 정신 없이 바빴어

Where have you been hiding out? I haven't seen you in a while.

Just swamped. Just swamped with work.

slammed (벅찰 정도로 overwhelmed)  할 일이 많은

I'm great. Slammed with work, but..

tied up : (일에 매여있듯) 바쁜

I'm tied up at the moment : 지금은 좀 바빠

He's tied up at the moment: 그분 지금은 좀 바쁘세요

Actually, Maggie, I'm a bit tied up at the moment.


4. Give yourself a pat on the back. (잘했다고 격려, 칭찬) 스스로를 쓰담 쓰담 해줘

Give yourselves a big pat on the back.

You all deserve an enormous pat on the back.

누릴 자격이 있다 

<상사가 칭찬하거나 동료의 도움으로 일이 잘 진행 됐을 때>

I couldn't have done this without you.


5. down the street , down the road 근처에

Hey , I saw a pizza place down the street.

You hungry? There's a coffe shop down the road.

down the road 앞으로, 살면서 (in the future)

It'll help you down the road. 

To make sure folks keep earning higher wages down the road,

we have to do more to help Americans upgrade their skills.

I think will obviously help them down the road.

It's gonna help us down the road. (in the long run, 장기적으로)