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목록Listening/Intern #67 (66)
https://youtu.be/KHiywRqoHCs https://got09.tistory.com/67?category=794179 Have you called Townsend yet? Because if I've ever met anyone who doesn't need a boss that was you. I was just about to call him and tell him I changed my mind. I mean, we're good here. We're gonna make it. I'm gonna make sure we make it. Good. Becky, where's Ben? I'm not sure. He said he was taking the day off. Fiona. Do ..
https://youtu.be/k_2icj5ymMM https://got09.tistory.com/66?category=794179 I need to tell you something. I know. Just tell me, is it almost ever? I don't know how much longer I can ... No, it's over. I can't tell you how sorry and ashamed I am. I thought I could do it. I thought I could be the guy that I told you I was going te be. And then somewhere along the way... 그 과정에서 I thought I was losing..
https://youtu.be/H6A2PthIHNU https://got09.tistory.com/65?category=794179 But there's no need to get all sentimental about it, 감정적인 even though we could potentially be buried together. Can't get closer than that. It's moments like this when you need someone you know you can count on. 의지하다 So thank you. I like your house so much, by the way. Thanks. Shall we? Okay. Welcome back, you two. Jules, I..
https://youtu.be/xgsWnpjkLyI You remember the day I drove you to the warehouse? You were giving me the wrong directions and all that? Yeah. I remember. Yeah. Okay, well, I stood in the back, and I wathched you show the workers how to fold and box the clothes. I know then that was why ATF was a success. No one else is ever gonna have that kind of commitment 전념 to your company, Jules. To me, it's ..
https://youtu.be/yp-1GSE_0Io https://got09.tistory.com/63?category=794179 They say you can't put a genie back in the bottle, 엎질러진 물은 담을 수 없다지만 but we can try, right? Hey, Hi. Wait, you live here? Yeah, Ben's been putting me up until I can find a place. Oh, should I let him know that you're here? That's okay. I'll ring. Fiona? Jules! Come on in. I'm just on my way to work. Ben's right in here. I'..
https://youtu.be/Ei8mjFNjqtk https://got09.tistory.com/62?category=794179 And I hired him. Seriously? Yeah. You did it right in the room? He told me to sleep on it 생각할 시간을 갖다 and that we'd talk tomorrow, but I said the job was his. We shook hands on it. You know, if we disagree, he's the tiebreaker? 결정권자 Of course. He's the CEO. 그러면 당연히 그가 CEO가 되겠군요 Yeah. Duh. 맞네요, 이런. Hi. Hey! You smell minty. ..
https://youtu.be/N5vitpUUzV8 https://got09.tistory.com/61?category=794179 So I could be, like, single forever, which means that... Forgive me, but this does keep me up in the middle of the night. What? That I don't wanna be buried alone. Paige'll be with her husband, and Matt'll be with his new family, and I will be buried with strangers. I will buried in the strangers singles section of the cem..
https://youtu.be/EwYNNxjdnA0 https://got09.tistory.com/60?category=794179 You know, so much has happened to us so fast. I think part of me was even expecting this. Like, you know, he was the more successful one when we started out. 만났을 땐 No, I didn't know that. Yeah, he was. He was a rising star. And he bowed out 물러나다 so that I could do this. He was amazing. It was all his idea. I'm sure that's ..
https://youtu.be/K27IFWGyI6c https://got09.tistory.com/59?category=794179 monogam-ish is 모노게미쉬(일부일처제의 관계에서 상호 합의하에 간통을 허락하는 것) not what I'm after. I'm just... I'm taking a sec, 시간을 가지고 and I'm hoping that it's just a horrible lapse in judgement 실수 / 판단 and not, like, love. And once he moves through this, we will eventually be able to be okay again. What do you think about that? Clearly you don't..
https://youtu.be/px1w-vAETAU https://got09.tistory.com/58?category=794179 I'm sorry. I mean, it was an accident that I saw them, but I did. Yesterday. Then it is still going on. 진행중 How long have you known? For, like, 18 days. She's a mom at Paige's school. It's still so hard for me to grasp. 받아들이기 (이해하다) I was in the kitchen making sandwiches, and his phone was there. He was upstairs with Paige..