목록Listening (71)
https://youtu.be/v31MXtsC6hY Okay When you're ready. It's all very mysterious. Right. Tim, my dear son, the.. The simple fact is the men in this family have always had the ability to... This is going to sound strange, be prepared for strangeness. Get ready for spooky time, but there's this family secret. And the secret is that the men in the family can travel in time. Well, more accurately, trav..
https://youtu.be/2uD1_N5LBow And so I woke up the next morning, hung-over, ashamed of myself, and not realising it was the day that would change my life forever. Get up, stupid. Dad wants you. Hello. Sexy pajamas. Tim, come in. Do sit down. That's very formal. Well, um, yeah. This is an odd moment for me because I had the same moment with my father when I'd just turned 21, and after it, my life ..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu8lxyRwrdw And then, finally there was Catherine. Katie. Kit Kat. My sister. In a household of sensible jackets and haircuts there was this, well, what can I call her, nature thing. With her elfin eyes, her purple 요정 T-shirts and her tenernally bare feet, she was then, and still is to me about the most wonderful thing in the world. All in all, it was a pretty goo..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xCY0e-mUf8 I always knew we were a fairly odd family. First there was me. Too tall. Too skinny. Too orange. My mum was lovely, but not like other mums. There was something solid about her. Something rectangular, busy and unsentimental. Her fasion icon was the Queen. Dad, well, he was more normal. He always seemed to have time on his hands. After giving up teachin..
https://youtu.be/KHiywRqoHCs https://got09.tistory.com/67?category=794179 Have you called Townsend yet? Because if I've ever met anyone who doesn't need a boss that was you. I was just about to call him and tell him I changed my mind. I mean, we're good here. We're gonna make it. I'm gonna make sure we make it. Good. Becky, where's Ben? I'm not sure. He said he was taking the day off. Fiona. Do ..
https://youtu.be/k_2icj5ymMM https://got09.tistory.com/66?category=794179 I need to tell you something. I know. Just tell me, is it almost ever? I don't know how much longer I can ... No, it's over. I can't tell you how sorry and ashamed I am. I thought I could do it. I thought I could be the guy that I told you I was going te be. And then somewhere along the way... 그 과정에서 I thought I was losing..
https://youtu.be/H6A2PthIHNU https://got09.tistory.com/65?category=794179 But there's no need to get all sentimental about it, 감정적인 even though we could potentially be buried together. Can't get closer than that. It's moments like this when you need someone you know you can count on. 의지하다 So thank you. I like your house so much, by the way. Thanks. Shall we? Okay. Welcome back, you two. Jules, I..
https://youtu.be/xgsWnpjkLyI You remember the day I drove you to the warehouse? You were giving me the wrong directions and all that? Yeah. I remember. Yeah. Okay, well, I stood in the back, and I wathched you show the workers how to fold and box the clothes. I know then that was why ATF was a success. No one else is ever gonna have that kind of commitment 전념 to your company, Jules. To me, it's ..
https://youtu.be/yp-1GSE_0Io https://got09.tistory.com/63?category=794179 They say you can't put a genie back in the bottle, 엎질러진 물은 담을 수 없다지만 but we can try, right? Hey, Hi. Wait, you live here? Yeah, Ben's been putting me up until I can find a place. Oh, should I let him know that you're here? That's okay. I'll ring. Fiona? Jules! Come on in. I'm just on my way to work. Ben's right in here. I'..
https://youtu.be/Ei8mjFNjqtk https://got09.tistory.com/62?category=794179 And I hired him. Seriously? Yeah. You did it right in the room? He told me to sleep on it 생각할 시간을 갖다 and that we'd talk tomorrow, but I said the job was his. We shook hands on it. You know, if we disagree, he's the tiebreaker? 결정권자 Of course. He's the CEO. 그러면 당연히 그가 CEO가 되겠군요 Yeah. Duh. 맞네요, 이런. Hi. Hey! You smell minty. ..