어바웃타임 #01 본문
I always knew we
were a fairly odd family.
First there was me.
Too tall. Too skinny.
Too orange.
My mum was lovely,
but not like other mums.
There was
something solid about her.
Something rectangular,
busy and unsentimental.
Her fasion icon was the Queen.
Dad, well, he was more normal. He always
seemed to have time on his hands.
After giving up teaching university
students on his 50th birthday,
he was eternally available
for a leisurely chat or
to let me win at table tennis.
And then there was Mum's
brother, Uncle Desmond.
Always impeccably dressed. He
spent the days just, well,
being Uncle Desmond.
He was the most charming and least
clever man you could ever meet.
His mind was on other things,
though we never found out what.
Apr 12, 2023
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