
Movie : Intern #26 본문

Listening/Intern #67

Movie : Intern #26

Alan learn to Business English 2023. 1. 18. 19:29




Mommy? Do you know

how to make guacamole?

Yes, I do.

Really well, in fact.

We're gonna make it together.


And after that, we'll have

a mother-daugther dance party?

Hey, Maddie. What's up?



Oh, my God. Come here.

Oh, I love you, big girl.

I love you, too.


Taking the high road : 도덕으로 올바른 길을 가다. 

is exhausting.

It's 2015.

Are we really still critical

of working moms?

Seriously? Still?


I'm sorry.

That was all rhetorical.  좀 과했죠?

There's no need to respond.

Wasn't going to.  할 마음도 없었어요


Oh, Ben.

I wanna stop by the warehouse.

480 Greenpoint.


No, no, no.

You wanna make a right.

9th to Hamilton

to the Expressway.


Uh, I think we should take

4th to Flatbush. Much faster.

It won't be. 아닐껄요


By 12 minutes, at least.

Can I try?


I apologize.

No need.


It's open.



Come on in.

Didn't expect this. (5:25)


Jan 18, 2023



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