
전 BBC 아나운서 Joanna Gosling Farewell 본문

Speaking/Speaking (10번)

전 BBC 아나운서 Joanna Gosling Farewell

Alan learn to Business English 2023. 3. 10. 06:53

조안나 고슬링 Joanna Gosling BBC News 
마지막 멘트

트위터에서 즐기는 Scott Bryan

“This is a very classy sign off by Joanna Gosling @BBCJoannaG on BBC News”


Now it is just about time for me to say goodbye
for the last time
I'm signing off after 23 years at BBC News
and before I go
there are just a few things I wanted to say
I know this job is personal
we come directly into your home
to tell you what's happening
good bad funny sad
and in doing my work
I always consider
how you might be responding to the news you're hearing
and what you might want to know
but your response to me leaving
has been completely unexpected
and I've been really touched by the wave
of warmth and kindness from you
and I want to say thank you for all of your good wishes
it really has meant a lot to me
I also want to say thank you to all of the people
who've shared their stories with me and you
over my 30 years as a journalist
many of them have had an impact on me
and have shaped the way I see things
and I hope it's been the same for you
is why I came into journalism
to give a voice
lend an ear
and shine a light
and finally
my colleagues
past and present
I have learned from you
I've loved working with you
and I valued your support
since I started out at 22
I've never failed to be impressed by the talent
skills and dedication of the people around me
we're a team
but it's felt like family
lucky me to have had this great job
that's never felt like a job
thank you for having me bye bye


Jan 26, 2023



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