
Movie : Intern #57 본문

Listening/Intern #67

Movie : Intern #57

Alan learn to Business English 2023. 3. 21. 20:18



You know when people say

they wanna grow old together?


Well, we did that.


We met when we were 20.

Well, I was 20. She was 19.


And what was amazing is,

she never really changed.

That's a hard thing

to pull off. 해내다 


She handed life

like it was easy.



Even when it wasn't. 그렇지 않을때 조차도요 

God. I envy that.


Are you hungry?

We have gummy bears, 곰젤리

chocolate chips, Pringles.


Yup. I'm just gonna

bring the whole thing.

You know those are,

like, 15 bucks each?


Benjamin, I run

a very big Internet company.

Let's go crazy. 즐기자구요 


I got a weird one for you.

Matt is cheating on me. 바람을 피우고 있어요 


Wait a minute.

You know about this?

What does that mean?


Wait, you know about this?

I saw them together.


Oh, my God, when?




Mar 21, 2023



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