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Speaking/OPIC Script

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Alan learn to Business English 2023. 4. 27. 18:31
음악감상하기 관용 문구의 사용 On the move - I like to listen to music on the move. 이동중에 음악듣는 것을 좋아합니다.
On the Go - I can do searches on my phone on the go. 이동중에도 전화기상으로 검색을 할수 있다.
On the Spot - Some people drink coffee on the spot.  그자리에서 커피를 마신다.
I can post pictures on the spot. 그자리에서 사진을 올릴수 있다.
국내여행 과거 사건 서술 I remember + ing
I remember a time when S + V

I remember going to the beach for a vacation.
I remember hurting my ankle during my vacation.
I remember a time when I ate something wrong during a trip two years ago.
I remember a time when I went to a concert last year.
카페/커피전문점가기 성격 규정 표현
[in + 명사]
Coffee shop chains are big in size.
Korean movies have become a lot better in quaility. 작품성 면에서
Do you have the new phone in stock? 제고로
Thank you in advance.
영화보기 복합관계대명사 I just watch whatever is fun.
I just listen to whatever is good.
I listen to music whenever I want to.
I can do searches wherever I am.
해변가기 정확한전치사 사용
At / near / along / on / in front of
I like to watch the sunrise or the sunset at the beach. (어디에)
I play with the sand on the beach. (위에서)
There Is a lot to do near the beach. (근처에)
I like taking walks along the beach. (따라서)
I like to drink with people right in front of the beach. (바로 )
예외) I like to swim in the ocean.
공원가기 Get 동사의 활용
~ 하다 / ~하게 되다
I go to parks to get some exercise or get some fresh air.
I need to get some rest.
I can get some sleep in my room.
Facebook is useful in getting to know someone.
I don't get to see my friends that often.
조깅 Used to 사용 ~이곤 했다
I used to play there all the time.
We used to hang out at the coffee shop after class.
My body wasn't what it used to be.
I was not used to the new features.
I had to get used to my new phone.
인터넷 Re 동사의 활용
Repost / Reschedule / Redo / Repaint
You can also repost other people's postings on your page.
I asked them to reschedule my appointment.
We wanted to redo the wallpaper.
They repainted the apartment walls.
음식점 Called 사용
[~라고 부르는]
Korean-style ribs called 갈비
Korean beef called 한우
Thinly sliced pork called 삼겹살
Korean rice wine called 막걸리
A Korean drink called 소주
A bullet train called the KTX
An island called 독도
가구 현재완료 시제의 사용 [have+p.p] I have had it for a long time.
I have had this desk for about 5 years.
Korean movies have become much better than in the past.
Our lives have become much easier thanks to the Internet.
Restaurants have changed a lot over the years.
교통 교통 관련 관용문구 사용 [Traffic] The traffic can get very bad sometimes.
I remember when I was stuck in traffic forever.
I take the subway when there is a lot of traffic.
There is no traffic on the subway, and it takes less time.
The traffic was bumper-to-bumper.
날씨 날씨 관련 용어 정리 The weather is very mild in spring and fall.
It's extremely hot and sticky in summer.
It's freezing cold in winter.
It drizzles when it rains in spring.
It pours during the monsoon season.
The morning lows were about 15 degrees Celsius.
The afternoon highs are about 20 degrees Celsius.
은행 Half 사용[~ 절반] I waited for almost half an hour but it was still not my turn.
The renovation took half a week to finish.
I stayed there for a year and a half.
I've had my phone for two years and a half.
It takes half the time to get somewhere on the KTX.
지형 연결어 사용
[First / Next / Also / Plus / And then / All in all]
First of all, there are beaches in Korea.
Next, there are many mountains in our country.
In fact, 70 percent of Korea is mountains.
Also, there are many large rivers in Korea.
And then, we have many islands in korea.
All in all, Koreans are very lucky to have this kind of diverse geography.
가족/친구 연결어 사용
[when it comes to ~ 있어서]
My parents have different tastes when it comes to food.
I don't have a particular genre I like when it comes to movies.
Korea is a great example when it comes to recycling.
I follow my own style when it comes to fashion.
That’s the experience I remember when it comes to transportation.
Role Play 콘서트 보기 답변의 시작과 마무리 답변의 시작
업체 I'm calling to inquire about tonight's performance.
I'm thinking of buying a new cell phone.
친구 I'm calling to ask you some questions about your MP3 Player.
업체 I'm a customer who bought some furniture at your store last week.
친구 Hi, there jake. This is Brain. I have some bad news.

답변 마무리
업체 Get back to me as soon as possible.
Please let me know ASAP. Thank you in advanced.
친구 Give me a call when you get this.
Call me back when you get this.
Role Play MP3 Player 간접의문문 / 복합의문문 간접의문문
I wonder if it is expensive.
I wonder if you have any promotions going on currently.
I wonder if you would like to go to the beach with me.
I wonder if you could give me their number.

Can you tell me what I can do?
Can you tell me how much it is?
Do you think there will be tickets left on-site?
Why don't I buy you a new one?
Why don't you sell the tickets?

Role Play 가구 RP 쓸수 잇는 핵심 문장 업체 문의
Can you give me any recommendations?
I wonder if you have any promotions going on currently.
Can you give me some directions?
Do you have a website I can see by any chance?
Until when are you open? I get off at six.
Are you open till then?
I would like to come in to get an exchange.


Feb 12, 2016

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