
[구슬쌤] 화상미팅, 세미나 뼈대 표현 6개 1탄 본문

Writing/Biz Writing

[구슬쌤] 화상미팅, 세미나 뼈대 표현 6개 1탄

Alan Learns to Business English 2022. 9. 2. 20:57


2021. 11. 10

1. 미팅 시작시 확인차

Who do we have on the line? Are we missing anyone?

2. 누군가 참석을 못 했을때

Sarah sends her apologies for not being here with us today.

3. 잘들리는지 확인차 물어볼때

Can you hear me okay?

4. 시작 시간이 다 돼 먼저 시작해야 할 때

Let's go ahead and begin, and hopefully, more people will be joining us shortly.

5. 기본적인 설명 후 본격적으로 시작하기 전 연결고리

without further ado. 더 이상의 지체 없이 *ado 소란/야단 법석 

6. 내가 host 하는 상황일때

I'll be leading the discussion / training today, so you'll be hearing quite a bit from me.

1. (특히 평소 자주 미팅을 하는 사이에서) 시작할 때 확인차

Who do we have on the line? Are we missing anyone?


2. 누군가 참석을 못 했을때

Sarah sends her apologies for not being here with us today.

I wanna say on her behalf that she sends her apologies. She is missing today's meeting. It turns out, when that President asks, you can't say no. *on her behalf : 그녀를 대신하여 

send one's regards ~에게 안부를 전하다

Sarah sends her regards.

Send her my regards.


3. 잘 들리는지 확인차 물어볼 때

Can you hear me okay?

Yes , we can hear you. >> Yes, we can hear you loud and clear.

Good afternoon, can you hear me okay? Yes, you're loud and clear.


4. 시작 시간이 다 돼 먼저 시작해야 할 때

Let's go ahead and begin, and hopefully, more people will be joining us shortly.

Let's go ahead and begin. 바로 시작 하죠, *shortly 곧 (시간상) 얼마 안 되어

Welcome, we will begin shortly. 환영합니다. 곧 시작합니다.

요청한 자료를 미팅 후에 보내준다고 할 때

I'll send it to you shortly after this meeting.

But minutes will be posted shortly after this meeting. *minutes 회의록

I'll send it you right after this meeting. (바로 보내줄 경우)

We wil take care of that right after this meeting.

I'll be with you shortly. 잠시만 기다리면 곧 봐드릴게요 / 도움 드릴게요

Someone will be with you shortly. 


5. 기본적인 설명 후 본격적으로 시작하기 전 연결고리

without further ado. 더 이상의 지체 없이 *ado 소란/야단 법석 

: without any fuss or delay; immediately

So without further ado. let's dive right in. 

Without further ado, I'll turn it over to Chris. *turn over to : ~에게 넘기다, ~로 전환하다

Without further ado, I'd like to turn it over to Matt. 

with that. 그럼 바로, 그러고는 바로

: immediately after doing or saving that 

So with that, let's just dive right in. *dive in 본격적으로 착수하다 / 열심히 몰두하다

Submit your questions via the livestream chat, and with that, let's dive in *via : ~를 통하여, ~로

With that, let's get right into the rent program at a glance. *at a glance 한 눈에, 첫 눈에

(마무리 하며) So with that, I'll turn it over to Todd to close us out. 

So just to reiterate what Kathy was saying~

: say something againg or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity (이미 한 말을 , 특히 강조하기 위해) 반복/ 되풀이 하다

I'd like to reiterate how grateful I am. 제가 얼마나 감사한지 다시 말씀드리고 싶어요

I just wanna reiterate ow grateful we are that folks are taking the time to join us.

I'd like to reiterate how sorry I am.

And I've said this before, but let me reiterate.


6. 내가 host 하는 상황일때

I'll be leading the discussion / training today, so you'll be hearing quite a bit from me.

I'll be the person leading the training today, so you'll be hearing quite a bit from me.

Pleas feel free to chime in with questions or comments.

Please feel free to + 동사원형, 편히 ~하세요

chime in 끼어들다 / (끼어들어) 내 의견을 말하다

Please feel free at any time to chime in with questions.

Please feel free to use the Raise Hand feature or the chat box to ask questions.

Can I chime in for a second?

특히 진행/발표 중엔 마이크를 무음으로 해달라고 요청

Please make sure to put your microphones on mute.

I'm gonna go ahead and mute everyone until the Q&A session.

I'm gonna go ahead and turn off mute for everyone. 

I think that you might need to unmute yourself. (mute 를 끄는 걸 깜빡하고 얘기하는 사람에게)



Pull up

Put 사람 on the spot

give 사람 update on

run through 등..


Sep 2, 2022