매일매일영어 (아카이빙)

Movie : Intern #10 본문

Listening/Intern #67

Movie : Intern #10

Alan learn to Business English 2022. 12. 13. 20:25




Hi, Ben. I have secured

an appointment for you

to meet with Jules Ostin

today at 3:55 p.m.

Please be prompt, as Jules has

another meeting at 4:00 p.m.


it's perfect.

Yes, I'll try to have

her there at 5:00.

Um, no, wait,

I booked her with a vendor

at 5:15. I'm sorry.


Yes, hello?

Hi, I'm Ben Whittaker.

I have a 3:55 appointment

with Ms. Ostin


I thought she was meeting

with her new intern.

That's me.


How old are you?

Seventy. You?

I'm 24. I know, I look older.

It's the job. It ages you.

Which won't be great

in your case.


I actually thought

you looked younger.

Yeah, right.


Any tips before I go in?

Just talk fast.

She hates slow talkers.


Maybe that's just

when I talk slow.

Don't dawdle in any way. 꾸물거리다

Just keep it moving.

And don't forget to blink.



Yeah, she hates

when people don't blink.

It weirds her out.

But it's 3:57.

This meeting that she's in

just took up,

like, two of your...

They're out. Go, go, go.

- Okay, thanks.

- Go. Yeah.


What? Oh, yeah, I'm here.

Hi, Jules?

I'm Ben, your new intern.

I'm glad you also see

the humor in this. (5:45)


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