매일매일영어 (아카이빙)

Movie : Intern #11 본문

Listening/Intern #67

Movie : Intern #11

Alan learn to Business English 2022. 12. 14. 20:35



Be hard not to.

So, Ben...

I was gonna say

what is a nice guy like you

doing at 8 place like this?


But Cameron gave me the drill,

so can I just be

honest with you?


I'm not gonna have

a lot for you to do.

That's the truth.


And you being assigned to me

is kind of just

for me to set an example

for the rest of the team.


If you ask me,

I think that you'd be

much better off

working in creative 

or marketing.


It's a little bit slower pace,

maybe a little bit

easier to grasp. 이해하다

If you requested a transfer,

we can make that happen.


If that's what you'd prefer.

You'll be happier, believe me.

I am not so fun to work for.


That's what I gather,

but I can get along

with anyone,

and I'm here to learn 

about your world,

give help where I can, so...

So, you don't wanna transfer?


Not really, sir.

I'm terribly sorry.


Well, then looks like

you're stuck with me.


Great, I'm excited.

I will e-mail you when I have

something for you to do.

Or I could just stop by

a few times a day, check in...

I'll e-mail you.


Also, don't feel like

you have to dress up.

I mean, we're super cas here. 캐주얼한 

Well, I'm comfortable

in a suit, if it's okay. (5:30)


Dec 14, 2022






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