매일매일영어 (아카이빙)

Movie : Intern #13 본문

Listening/Intern #67

Movie : Intern #13

Alan learn to Business English 2022. 12. 19. 20:01



We were going out

for a minute.

I thought she was cool.

I really liked her.


But then , I sort of 일종의

accidentally slept

with her roommate.


That doesn't help. 좋게 들리지 않네

I didn't know she was

her roommate. I met her out.

How would I know that?


You've been through a lot.

I mean,

you have a lot of experience.


How long do you think

she'll be mad at me for?

Jay, I have zero experience

with women,

and I can tell you, there's

no coming back from that one.


I assume you talked to her, 추정하다


told her how much

she means to you...

Well, you know...


You didn't talk to her?

What did you do,

send her a tweet?


No, of course not. I , like,

texted her a billion times.


She didn't answer,

so then I e-mailed her.


But it was, like,

a nice e-mail.

It was along one,



Subject line I wrote,

IIIIm Sorrylll

with like a ton of "O's.''

So it was like, "I'm sorry,"

with a sad emoticon


I should probably actually

just talk to her, huh?

Obviously. 확실히

Can't imagine it would hurt.


Oh, did yesterday's

numbers come in?



I noticed my intern

sure keeps busy.

Mr. Congeniality. 친화력맨이셔 

He's a very big hit.

Everybody loves him.


Okay, do not look

at that desk.

It's like the office

junk drawer.

It's just gonna

drive you crazy. (5:47)


Dec 19, 2022



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