매일매일영어 (아카이빙)

Movie : Intern #15 본문

Listening/Intern #67

Movie : Intern #15

Alan learn to Business English 2022. 12. 22. 20:03




We're running out

of inventory.

We've got shippong issues

and programing problems,

and the bigger we get,

the more complicated

it's gonna get.


But isn't this

what a startup is?


Say it. What is everyone

so worried about?


That it's all going too fast,

and it could get away from us.


Our investors just think

that a seasoned CEO

could take some things

off your plate.


That's all. Just free you up

to do what you do great.

You come up with the ideas,

and let somebody else

make the trains run on time.


But, Cameron, this new person,

they are going to want to

do things their way.

Technically, be my boss.


I mean, how can I do what I do

if I have to report

to someone else,

run every idea I have

by this person?

And can you see that working?


Well, Gilt Groupe

brought in a CEO.

How are they doing?


I mean, get me CEO lessons,

you know?


Uh, excuse me.

I apologize, but Becky said

you needed something

taken care of on your jacket


The VCs made up a list

of potential CEOs.

Let's just take

a look at the list.

Explore it, then decide.



Something big

going on in there?

I couldn't say. (5:45)


Dec 22, 2022



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