매일매일영어 (아카이빙)

Movie : Intern #16 본문

Listening/Intern #67

Movie : Intern #16

Alan learn to Business English 2022. 12. 23. 20:25




You were in there a long time.

I can't hear a thing.


Hey, Ben. Ben.

How old's that briefcase?

It's a 1973

Executive Ashburn attache.


They don't make it anymore.

I'm a little in love with it.

It's a classic, Leviw.

It's unbeatable.


Oh, my God.

Somebody cleaned up that desk.

I swear, I was gonna stay late

and do this myself.


Wasn't me.

Ben came in at 7:00

this morning and did it.


Brilliant. Thank you.

Best thing that's happened

around here all week.


This is your gift

for a job well done.

I'm Fiona, the house masseuse.


Hi, Fiona. Ben.


Does that feel okay?

It feels great, actually.

Thank you.


Okay. You're a little

bit tight, Ben.

Well, I haven't sat at a desk

for a while.

My body's not used to it.

No, I get it.

Plus, they say

sitting is the new smoking.


Let me see what I can do.

I spotted you

in the lunchroom.

I wondered who you were.

Did you? oh.



Then someone told me

you were an intern.

That's pretty cool

of you to do this.

Well, it's a brave new world.

Thought I'd jump in.

See what it's all about. (5:36)


Dec 23, 2022




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