Movie : Intern #37 본문
I would love to, actually.
I just don't want her to think
that I can't do my job
and I need an intern
to help me.
Okay, you're not
gonna wanna hear this,
but I heard women who sleep
less than seven hours a night
gain 38% more weight
than women who sleep more
than seven hours a night.
What? I leave here at 11:00.
I get back at 7:00.
I sleep, like,
five hours a night,
and now I'm gonna get fat?
Let's get through this stuff. 해결하다
Let's do it together.
Let's clean-slate it.
Let's just do it.
I'm so happy.
Beautiful, Miami! Thank you.
Oh, look at Chicago!
She put the same boots
in her cart
as the woman from Houston.
Okay, let's see what
she does at checkout.
She's not buying them either.
Okay, maybe check
the delivery cost
on those boots?
Hi, I took a look at
the data purchase patterns.
Uh, should I come back?
No, no, come on in.
That was fast.
Well, I enlisted Becky's help. 협조받다
It seems the most expensive
place you're advertising
is actually bringing you
the customers
who are spending the least.
And the channels
you're least investing in
are adding enormous value
in segments
that currently appear
to have low value,
but actually have the
highest spending potential. (5:47)
가장 적게 투자중인 광고채널들이, 현재는 가치가 낮아보이지만
사실상 잠재소비력이 가장 높은 분야에 더 높은 가치가 있는 것으로 보입니다.
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