Movie : Intern #48 본문
Feeling better?
Yeah, I forget you gotta
eat before you drink.
I'll be leaving in a minute.
Just working on making this
the worst possible day
for you.
No, not at all.
You've had a stressful day.
How is it
that you always manage
to say the right thing,
do the right thing,
be the right thing?
It's uncanny. 이상하네요
You get some rest.
I will-
Thanks for everything.
Really so nice of you
to do this.
Most women would have
just rescheduled.
Oh, not to worry.
I understand.
It was unexpected.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Benji, you brought
a date to a funeral.
We had plans. Who knew
this was gonna happen?
Well, how do you do?
I'm Miles.
Hello. Fiona. I'm so
sorry for your loss.
Oh, thank you, dear.
I never went to
a Shiva before. (부모 배우자와 사별한 유대인이 장례식후 지키는 7일간의 복상 기간)
The laughter was wonderful. 웃음
I don't think
I've ever eaten more. 이렇게 많이 먹을줄은 몰랐어요
I'm not even sure how
I left with a box of cookies. 이렇게 쿠키 한박스도 챙겨주시고요
Mar 6, 2023
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