
Movie : Intern #53 본문

Listening/Intern #67

Movie : Intern #53

Alan Learns to Business English 2023. 3. 14. 20:25




Am I wrong that

I want it to happen? CEO를 구하길 윈한다면 제가 잘못된건가요?


I mean, I want what she wants,

but you know what

it's like around here. 저희 상황 


We don't see her enough,

and maybe this can fix that.

The CEO's gonna fix

what's going on here, Matt?


Whatever she decides,

I just..

I want it te be good for her.

I want her to be happy.


Of course.

She deserves that. 하기 마땅해요 

Yeah, she does deserve it.


Benjamin, what do you think?

I found it on eBay.

You were right. Total classic.

It's awesome, kid.


So how did it go?

Well, you have

a great kid, Jules.

She's adorable. 사랑스러운 


Thank you so much

for doing that.


So you excited about our trip 기대되세요?

to San Francisco tomorrow?

Are you okay?



Oh, I hope you don't

have what Matt has.

I don't

You sure?



What's that?

Blood presure.

I take it every day.


Are you sure you're okay?


You don't look like you.

You're all flushed. 볼도 완전 빨갛고요 



Mar 14, 2023






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