
Movie : Intern #51 본문

Listening/Intern #67

Movie : Intern #51

Alan Learns to Business English 2023. 3. 10. 22:56





Hi , Emily. I'm helping

Matt and Jules out today. 도와주다

Oh, are you Matt's dad?

No, no.

I work for Jules.


That's okay?

I've just heard she's

you know, kinda tough.


Tough? Jules? Sure.

She's a total badass. 거친 

I guess that's new she became

an Internet sensation.


Must make you guys proud, huh?

One of your own

out there every day,

crashing the glass ceiling 한계를 돌파하다 

of the tech world.

So, bravo,

good for her. Right?


Yeah. No, for sure.

What's up, kiddo?

I don't feel good.


You don't? Do you

wanna sit on my lap? 무릎

You know, if she's sick, she

probably shouldn't be here.


Tough crowd, Paigey

You wanna hit the road?길을 나설까?

Does that mean "leave"?

Afraid so. 유감스럽지만 그래


I spy with my little 제눈에는 파란개 보여요 

eye something...Blue!

Is it the car next to us?



Is it that dog leash? 줄 



Uh, is it the sky?

Yes! You got one.

Your turn, Ben.



Oh, I have a good one.

I spy with my little eye 내 눈에 보여 (게임)

something green.

Is it that tree?




Mar 10, 2023




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