Movie : Intern #20 본문
Really? What happened?
I thought he was
a condescending, 거들먹거리는
sexist know-it-all 성차별주의자
who did not seem to
get what we do at all.
And, honestly,
I think he would
run our business
in a completely inorganic way
that would lose us
all the customers we have
killed ourselves to get.
Oh, and I think
that we would replace us
as soon as he got the chance.
Oh, and...
The man never blinked.
An Olympian non-blinken
okay, then,
See you in the a.m?
Be there or be square. 오기나 하라고 (꼭 와)
I'm sorry.
Hey, don't be.
I just wanted to say thank you
for helping out
With Mike today and for
getting me chicken soup.
Oh, and for cleaning
that mess.
That was awesome. Seriously.
You're very welcome.
It's okay.
I really won't bite.
You started this business
all by yourself
a year and a half ago,
and now you have
a staff of 220 people.
Remember who did that.
And I hate to say it,
but try to get some sleep.
- So how was your day?
- Kind of okay.
But you know what? Maddie said
she didn't wanna be
my friend anymore.
You know what?
I don't think she meant it.
She'd miss you too much.
I'm startin' to think
that Maddie is bipolar.(5:48) 조울증
Jan 4, 2022
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