매일매일영어 (아카이빙)

Movie : Intern #21 본문

Listening/Intern #67

Movie : Intern #21

Alan learn to Business English 2023. 1. 5. 20:14




We go through this

every other day.

We do.


Oh, how was your meeting?

It was today, right?

Yeah, just had it.


Mommy, I think I'm winning


Oh, that is so cool.


Yeah, that's

the Play-Doh cake challenge.

We're not finishing

until tomorrow,

so please hold on all judging.


Not to mention that we had

an accident with mine,

when someone,

not to name any names,

put her elbow in it.



It was an accident.

Well, I gotta say,

I love the pink one a lot.

That's mine.

Are you happy at me?


I am so happy at you.

I'm beyond happy at you.

Daddy helped me

with the icing.


Good job, you guys.

So, how about

I give you your bath?


Wait, hang on.

I was waiting for your call.

So you didn't like the guy?


He wasn't good fit for me.

But a lot of other names

on the list, so...



Ben, I haven?

Seen you in days.

That's right, homey.

Ben's got a job.


PATTY: Oh, you're never home.

What do you do?

Never mind. It's Patty.



Hi, Fiona.

It's Ben Whittaker

from About The Fit.

Oh, hey. (5:32)


Jan 5, 2023




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