매일매일영어 (아카이빙)

Movie : Intern #22 본문

Listening/Intern #67

Movie : Intern #22

Alan learn to Business English 2023. 1. 11. 22:26




It's good to hear your voice.

Oh, it's good to hear

your voice, too.

It was great 

meeting you today.


I called you quicker

than you thought I would.

I'm glad you did.


Let her sleep, Dad.



I tried to stay up.

I know.

I'm sorry

I fell asleep in there.

I just passed out.


I know we had a plan to have

a grown-up conversation.

You wanna Netflix something?


I'm sorry, I just fell out

for a second.

It's okay.


Paige learned to say

"humongous" today.


Cracks me up.


She looks at me, she says,

You're a very

humongous dad, Dad


You know I hate to sound

like the other moms.

But I'm starting to feel like

I need a little me time.



Hey, Ben. It's Becky.

From Jules' office?

Yeah, hey. What's up?


Jules' driver is M. LA.

He's not answering

any of my texts.

I know you drove

Jules yesterday,

and I didn't hear

any complaints.

So can you pick her up

this morning?



You know where she lives?

I was there yesterday.

Okay, so you remember.

Yeah (5:35)


Jan 11, 2023






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