목록분류 전체보기 (247)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUFYfjSMt-Y https://got09.tistory.com/54?category=794179 Why don't you go see Fiona, the masseuse, and just chill a little. What's up? Whoa, Ben, you okay? You seem to be slightly malfunctioning. Becky. Dose he look right to you? Okay. Thank you. I think we're good here. Got a lot of work to do. It's all good. Is it his coloring? Oh, my God, you're all nuts. 모두들 제..
https://youtu.be/swhVAL_Qwbg https://got09.tistory.com/53?category=794179 Am I wrong that I want it to happen? CEO를 구하길 윈한다면 제가 잘못된건가요? I mean, I want what she wants, but you know what it's like around here. 저희 상황 We don't see her enough, and maybe this can fix that. The CEO's gonna fix what's going on here, Matt? Whatever she decides, I just.. I want it te be good for her. I want her to be happ..
https://youtu.be/dlocZxGoIEE https://got09.tistory.com/52?category=794179 Is it that front door? Well, it's kinda green. Is it, Ben? Is it that front door? Yeah, it is, honey. Good girl. Thanks so much, Ben. Hey, come on in the kitchen. Can I get you something before you hit the road? Want a cup of coffee or a bite to eat? No, I'm good, thanks. Okay. How was she? Didn't give you any trouble? She..

Learn a new language and get a new soul.새로운 언어를 배우고, 새로운 영혼을 얻어라- Czech Proverb 체코 속담 Mar 11, 2023
https://youtu.be/TDeEOIUKcA8 Hi , Emily. I'm helping Matt and Jules out today. 도와주다 Oh, are you Matt's dad? No, no. I work for Jules. That's okay? I've just heard she's you know, kinda tough. Tough? Jules? Sure. She's a total badass. 거친 I guess that's new she became an Internet sensation. Must make you guys proud, huh? One of your own out there every day, crashing the glass ceiling 한계를 돌파하다 of t..
조안나 고슬링 Joanna Gosling BBC News 마지막 멘트 https://twitter.com/scottygb/status/1618621867954442241?s=20 트위터에서 즐기는 Scott Bryan “This is a very classy sign off by Joanna Gosling @BBCJoannaG on BBC News” twitter.com Now it is just about time for me to say goodbye for the last time I'm signing off after 23 years at BBC News and before I go there are just a few things I wanted to say I know this job is p..
https://youtu.be/BOk9XF-B6_k http://got09.tistory.com/50?category=794179 Morning Hey, buddy, you don't look so great. Yeah, I know. But believe me, I look better than I feel. What's with the waterworks, 수도꼭지 little one? must tom her that the sitter's gonna have to take her to Maddie's birthday party because Matt's feeling sick. But I don't wanna go with the sitter. Ben? Can you take me? Please? ..
https://youtu.be/kADbSMKo7jM https://got09.tistory.com/49?category=794179 Well, you were a big hit. Giving the widow that 미망인에게 해준 마사지 back massage, winning move. Oh, yeah. She needed it. I definitely think it's a good idea to take all first dates to a funeral. Yeah. A real icebreaker, don't ya think? I know you're kidding, but, honestly, who needs the strain of the dinner date? 부담 And the "Why ..
https://youtu.be/jLVCqcEFvCs Feeling better? Yeah, I forget you gotta eat before you drink. I'll be leaving in a minute. Just working on making this the worst possible day for you. No, not at all. You've had a stressful day. How is it that you always manage to say the right thing, do the right thing, be the right thing? It's uncanny. 이상하네요 You get some rest. I will- Thanks for everything. Really..
https://youtu.be/hfxZXa7e8xI https://got09.tistory.com/47?category=794179 I mean, like, we were the generation of, "You go, girl." We had Oprah. And I wonder sometimes how guys fit in, you know? Thy still seems to be trying to figure it out. They're still dressing like little boys. They're still playing video games. How, in one generation, have men gone from guys like Jack Nicholson and Harrison..