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[구슬쌤] 쉬운 단어로 native 처럼 말하기

Alan learn to Business English 2023. 5. 15. 09:16

매주 1,2개씩 추가 230515 260개 
예시 : 월~금에 동영상 하나씩 각자 공부하고, 영어 스크립트를 자기 목소리로 녹음해서 올리는 Challange 각자공부하기

001 23.05.15 월 https://daybydayenglish.tistory.com/324 (Find , at all, in the middle of)
002 23.05.30 화 https://daybydayenglish.tistory.com/331 (You made my day. / Appreciate / ~ish)
003 23.06.01 목 https://daybydayenglish.tistory.com/333 room (여지 / 여유 / 공간여유) 
004 23.06.02 금 https://daybydayenglish.tistory.com/334 overwhelm  
005 23.06.08 목 https://daybydayenglish.tistory.com/335 legit, cheap, weird
006 23.06.09 금 https://daybydayenglish.tistory.com/336 freak, freak out
007 23.06.12 월 https://daybydayenglish.tistory.com/337 bear,부사 that ,owe , hit
008 23.06.13 화 https://daybydayenglish.tistory.com/338 expect, look forward to
009 23.06.14 수 https://daybydayenglish.tistory.com/339 pick up,  call it a day , run some errands , make up
010 23.06.15 목 https://daybydayenglish.tistory.com/340 figure out, be stuck , I want to say, grab, company, I didn't mean to Root 


no title url
11 회사에서 동사 go가 쓰이는 6가지 상황들 (비즈니스 영어 꿀팁) https://youtu.be/nPuUS0AxqPo
12 회사에서 정말 많이 쓰는 look over와 go over의 뉘앙스 차이와 정확한 활용법! (비지니스 영어 핵심표현) https://youtu.be/xTC7PuiP5Go
13 정확한 뉘앙스를 모르면 당황할 수 있는 표현 5개 (honest mistake, solid, heads-up, Hump day, RSVP) https://youtu.be/lkCYR4w9bP0
14 동사 Get 네이티브처럼 쓰는 6가지 방법  https://youtu.be/SAvrObvYi4g
15 사전에 없는 필수 단어 takeaway의 정확한 뉘앙스 (미국 회사에서 정말 많이 써요~) https://youtu.be/3ct5LOYbD7k
16 미국 회사생활할 때 진짜 지겹도록 들은 동사 7개! 비즈니스 영어 핵심 동사만 엄선했어요! https://youtu.be/w8W_6Xn3k-g
17 동사 turn 네이티브처럼 쓰는 9가지 방법!  https://youtu.be/rx609pXr1Bs
18 동사 Take와 친해지기 (지금 당장 쓸 수 있는 현실적인 활용법 10가지!) https://youtu.be/QTGCdmla7V8
19 진짜 많이 쓰는 감정표현 5개 제대로 쓰는 법! (frustrated, embarrassed, devastated, upset, humiliated) https://youtu.be/38HVQHowKXA
20 미드, 영화에 지겹도록 나오는 표현 3개 (kind of, mess, saw this coming) https://youtu.be/Ikg-BUYbLqs