목록분류 전체보기 (247)
https://youtu.be/_sXDzlT7ESU https://got09.tistory.com/19?category=794179 Really? What happened? I thought he was a condescending, 거들먹거리는 sexist know-it-all 성차별주의자 who did not seem to get what we do at all. And, honestly, I think he would run our business in a completely inorganic way that would lose us all the customers we have killed ourselves to get. Oh, and I think that we would replace us a..
[펌] 영어 공부라 하면 보통 영어 회화를 떠올리게 되는데 저는 다음과 같은 이유로 영어 고전 읽기/듣기를 추천해 봅니다. 보통은 영어 고전을 번역본으로 접하게 되는데 아무리 번역을 잘해도 원작의 가치를 제대로 전달하지 못합니다. 요약본은 말할 필요도 없고요. 피노키오 원본 읽어 보고 내가 알고 있던 건 그냥 쓰레기였구나 생각이 들었습니다. 회화를 하더라도 속된 표현을 유창하게 구사하는 사람보다 어눌하게라도 고급 문장을 구사하는 사람이 훨씬 좋게 보입니다. 고전을 읽어 보시면 최근 1-200년 간 영어 표현은 (고급 영어에 한해서는) 거의 변한게 없다는 것을 알게 됩니다. 도스토예프스키의 카라마조프 형제들을 읽어 보시면 현재 영미권 국회에서 국회의원들 사용하는 표현들이 그대로 나옵니다. 모비딕을 ..
https://youtu.be/ewv0L-aCrzk https://got09.tistory.com/20?category=794179 Hey, how we doin'? Did you look over the material on Atwood? Yeah, I did. Uh, he had a great run at Travelocity and Citigroup, and I get it. He's major. He is. And the best thing about him is he's been watching us, and he loves what we're doing. But he's only one of the names on the list. So if you don't like him, we move ..
https://youtu.be/iaMb_DyiQ8k https://got09.tistory.com/17?category=794179 I'm constantly amazed at what they do here. Love bein' a part of it. Oh. Here you go. A little tight right here. Is that better? Oh, boy, oh, boy. Well, it was nice to meet you. Ben. Love that there's another oldie but goodie here. Nice to meet you. You're not as old as I thought you were. Wait, so you're saying you shave ..
https://youtu.be/0aVJQQ4QfHc http://got09.tistory.com/16?category=794179 You were in there a long time. I can't hear a thing. Hey, Ben. Ben. How old's that briefcase? It's a 1973 Executive Ashburn attache. They don't make it anymore. I'm a little in love with it. It's a classic, Leviw. It's unbeatable. Oh, my God. Somebody cleaned up that desk. I swear, I was gonna stay late and do this myself. ..
https://youtu.be/4B6P0fYX1WQ https://got09.tistory.com/15?category=794179 We're running out of inventory. We've got shippong issues and programing problems, and the bigger we get, the more complicated it's gonna get. But isn't this what a startup is? What? Say it. What is everyone so worried about? That it's all going too fast, and it could get away from us. Our investors just think that a seaso..
https://youtu.be/HIa5mKJXNuQ https://got09.tistory.com/14?category=794179 You just did that. What are you, preparing for surgery? Okay, seriously? How did this even happen? No, no, I can set it up. She's just in a meeting. Hi, something I can help you with? Yes, Jules spilled soy sauce on her Saint Laurent jacket. Can you take it to the photo studio? There's lots of cleaners and stuff in there. ..
https://youtu.be/fQF_OzAujg8 https://got09.tistory.com/13?category=794179 We were going out for a minute. I thought she was cool. I really liked her. But then , I sort of 일종의 accidentally slept with her roommate. That doesn't help. 좋게 들리지 않네 I didn't know she was her roommate. I met her out. How would I know that? You've been through a lot. I mean, you have a lot of experience. How long do you t..
https://youtu.be/AG0wk10cIrI https://got09.tistory.com/12?category=794179 No, it's fine. Old-school. Exactly. At least I'll stand out. I don't think you need a suit to do that. True. Well, I think we did it in less than two minutes. I'll wait to hear from you. Want the door open or closed? Doesn't matter. Open, actually. You'll get used to me. What's up, Ben? Are you good? Perfect. Okay, so you ..
https://youtu.be/zumAsrXVR9Q https://got09.tistory.com/11?category=794179 Be hard not to. So, Ben... I was gonna say what is a nice guy like you doing at 8 place like this? But Cameron gave me the drill, so can I just be honest with you? Please. I'm not gonna have a lot for you to do. That's the truth. And you being assigned to me is kind of just for me to set an example for the rest of the team..