목록분류 전체보기 (247)
There are four members in my family, which are my dad, mom, my younger brother, and me. I'll start by describing my dad. My dad is a retired businessman, who once made the highest performance in his company. Because of his extroverted personality, he got along very well with his clients. He is also very tall and handsome. I believe his looks also contributed to his success. On the other hand, my..
Suddenly peace come office. I don't know where I work off early. I don't remember that time. I take a bus to seoul Cityhall. My first mission is to take off rush hour. If I worked seoul , there is no problem like this situation.I am happy to having dinner with family. This weekend will be waiting long distance but shortly trip to dae gu.Maybe I will finish book for universe which has 800 page.S..
Today is also so fasted. In the morning it is slow started work with foreign tester. And on Thursday I used enjoyed lunch with my team. As it is very sunny day , we walk around office and talking about new release note 8. One of us love note series, even though she has new s8 , she thinks get note 8. So we let her buy that. Korean say this ppomppu. It means pump. After lunch , it occurs little b..
In the early morning, cause of moskito I get up at 4am. It starts long some day.Arrived at office I take a work for Europe branch. It is time for gym , usually other people work hard so I am little late. I think it will better move time to go gym. In the evening, I still very busy. It is first time , called from overseas. What a huge problem. Anyway , To be finished work I turned off my pc. C..
Students across the country rushed to submit their essays to meet the midnight deadline of a writing competition. 전국의 학생들은 작문 대회의 자정 마감 기한에 맞추어 그들의 글을 제출하고자 서둘렀다. Deadline 마감기한 margin 여백, 차이 finality 돌이 킬 수 없는 최후 extreme 극단, 극도 Rush 서두르다 midnight 자정의 competition 대회, 시합 Text Savvy, one of the nation's most significant names in mobile communications, filed for bankruptcy yesterday. 이동통신 업계에서 국가의 가..
During the medical seminar, representatives from several hospitals discussed a variety of disorders that have proved difficult to treat. 의학 세미나 동안, 몇몇 병원에서 온 대표자들은 치료하기 어렵다고 알려진 다양한 장애들에 대해 토론했다. Variety 다양한 Quality 질, 우수함 Purpose 목적, 용도Priority 우선 순위 Representative 대표자 disorder 장애, 이상 treat 치료하다 The airline recently announced that it had changed its policy and would now allow air miles to be ex..
Backlogged orders are shipped right away once the items purchased by the customers become available. 일단 고객들이 구매한 제품들이 사용 가능하게 되면 밀린 주문들은 바로 배송된다. Once 일단 ~하면 until ~할 때까지 unless ~하지 않는 한 backlogged order 밀린 주문 ship 배송하다 available 사용 가능한 The study provides some of the clearest data that high stress levels at the workplace can affect an employee's health. 그 연구는 직장에서의 높은 스트레스 지수가 직원의 건강에 영향을 줄 수 있다..
Sports products are endorsed by top athletes, who are paid large sums by the companies that produce them. 스포츠 용품들은 최고 운동 선수들에 의해 홍보되는데, 그들은 그 제품을 생산하는 회사들에 의해 많은 액수의 돈을 지급 받는다. Endorsed 홍보하다, 지지하다 Attain 노력 끝에 이루다, ~에 달하다Assume 추정하다, 책임을 맡다License 공적으로 허가하다Athlete 운동선수 large sum 많은 액수의 돈 Many news providers carried an article about the businessman who married a princess from a royal household in..
Delegates were pleased with the arrangements for accommodations since they were within walking distance of the convention center. 숙소가 컨벤션 센터에서 걸어갈 수 있는 거리에 위치해 있었기 때문에 대표자들은 숙소가 준비된 것에 만족하였다. Since ~ 때문에Except ~라는 점만 제외하면 Throughout 도처에 , ~동안 죽,내내 (전치사)Due to ~에 기인하는, ~때문에 Delegate 대표자 arrangement 마련, 준비 accommodation 숙소, 거처 distance 거리 The apartment dwellers were shocked to find mold in a close..
All hotels must comply with building code requirements and safety standards as set out in local laws. 모든 호텔은 지역 법에 제시된 대로 건축 법규 요구사항과 안전 기준을 반드시 준수해야 한다. Comply with 법, 명령등을 준수하다, 따르다.Share 공유하다 Provide 제공하다Compete 경쟁하다, 겨루다Building code 건축 법규, safety standard 안전 기준 Local 지역의 Online shoppers may avail of the discount on all electronic devices as long as they submit their order before midnight. 자..